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Focus on the Vision

Leader looking toward their vision

Do you ever feel distracted? 

The leader has to set the vision. Nothing groundbreaking about that. But there is a human element to being a leader that you shouldn’t ignore. The human qualities of selfishness and brokenness will distract us from our focus on the vision. That means you can formulate and communicate a great vision for the organization, but if you lose focus, the whole organization goes off track.

What are some common distractions for the leader?

Fires – Fires tend to draw your attention away from the vision. They burn bright and hot. They generate a lot of activity and, in the moment, seem like the only thing that matters.

Emotions – Contradictory emotions and thoughts can easily overwhelm anyone. You may feel enthusiastic about the future and full of dread about tomorrow all at the same time. You need to be aware of when your emotions are clouding your vision.

Relationships – Healthy relationships are key for a leader. When one key relationship is hurting or failing, the leader’s ecosystem gets off balance. You must be investing in your relationships and keeping the tanks full.

How do you maintain focus?

Ask for accountability – Invite accountability into your life. Invite people to ask you tough questions and keep the junk cleared out.

Subsist in solitude – If you are anything like me, you need an almost daily reset. Address the fires, the emotions, and the relationships every morning and regain focus with an unflinching resolve.

Make progress – We tend to lose focus when we aren’t making progress. It is important to make advancements toward the vision each day, even if somedays it means simply holding your ground.

Take five minutes and consider whether you are focused or aimless in your leadership. Consider, that a single day not pursuing the vision can easily turn into a year of aimless wandering.


Now Go, and Lead with Focus…

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