sunset on a mountain with a couple in teamwork helping each other up the mountain

Are you ready for this?

There is something equally exciting and unknown about an invitation. It is a benevolent offer signaling that someone, somewhere, wants you to join them and share an experience together. The invitation to lead, is like no other. You cannot know the joy and pain that you will encounter along your leadership journey. If you are fortunate, perhaps there is someone committed to being there with you along the way. Although I can’t physically be with you on your individual journey, know that I am with you in spirit as you embark on the boldest of endeavors, the pursuit of leadership.

My leadership philosophy has been shaped by my roots, my faith, and the experiences that are unique to my own journey founding and growing my own business for the past twenty years. I grew up in a Christian home in rural Oklahoma. In my formative years I was immersed in stories from the Bible and so, I continue to pull deeply from that well to this day. There is a familiar story recorded in Exodus and made famous in the Hollywood film “The Ten Commandments.” In the story, once the Hebrews have left Egypt, Moses is called into a private conference where God shares with him the rules that will govern this emerging nation. As Moses returns to the people, ready to share this revelation with his followers, he finds that everything has fallen apart and the people are “running wild.” It is in this moment of failure and chaos that God gives Moses this mandate: Now go, lead the people…

And so, from there, we have our invitation to go and lead. You may feel like things are in chaos right now, or you may simply be taking the nascent steps towards your future destination. Whatever the case, where you go from here is largely up to you. It is my hope that these writings and thoughts will be at times comforting and at others supremely challenging as you continue to move forward on a path that few will dare travel…



Now Go, Lead…
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A leadership philosophy is a guiding framework that shapes your actions and decisions based on your core values, beliefs, and principles. To develop one, you must first reflect on who you are or aspire to be as a leader, identify the qualities you hold dear and will not compromise, and consider the beliefs that shape your understanding of the world.