What are you building?
I am a sucker for home makeover shows. It doesn’t really matter the host, or the location, the concept is generally the same: Take something old and rundown and turn it into something new and beautiful. Even with such a simple concept, there is a formula to these shows that make them work. Inevitably, there will be an unexpected twist that is uncovered during the process. It could be an unforeseen structural issue, a budget issue, or maybe undiscovered infestations. One way or another, the owner of the makeover must overcome the biggest challenge to see the dream realized.
Let’s talk about your leadership for a minute. You decide to put in the work to grow into the leader you want to become. You have some vague ideas of what needs the most attention, and you begin the journey. Generally, you are ok with this process because it is in alignment with your expectations. But suddenly you realize that you’re going to have to knock down some structural walls in order to complete the process. You’re going to have to visit some dark places and confront some serious issues you weren’t really ready to address. “This isn’t in the budget!” You hoped you’d be able to get by without having to deal with it. You know it’s going to be painful, and you are left with the big decision: “Am I willing to see this through, or will I just walk away?”
Here is the truth: At the outset of our journey, our initial ideas about the final shape of our leadership are very likely wrong, or at least too small. You thought it was going to be easy and that you could find a nice little cozy place for yourself. The reality is that your leadership journey is going to take a much larger toll on you than you perhaps were ready for, but it also means there are much greater rewards waiting for you on the other side: You become, not the leader you thought you needed to be, but the leader you should be…
Take five minutes and consider: Do I know what I need to do to move forward with my leadership? Am I trying to find a way to finish the project without doing the work that needs to be done?
Let me urge you to have the courage to finish the work you have started. Don’t delay, the costs only increase over time, and don’t walk away when the end is within your sights.